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1:250,000 Scale Land Use and Land Cover, New York, 1990

1990. U.S. Geological Survey and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. This is derived from land use/land cover digital data collected by USGS and coverted to ARC/INFO by the EPA. This data is useful for environmental ...

7.5-Minute Quad Index, New York State, 2012

2012. Mann Library, Cornell University. This shapefile contains all the USGS 7.5-minute quadrangles that are contained within or partially overlap New York state. It provides related and ...

8-Digit Watersheds, New York State, 1994

1994. U.S. Geological Survey. This shapefile contains the boundaries of the 8-digit watersheds that intersect New York State. These hydrologic unit boundaries provide a uniquel...

Adirondack Park Boundary, 1993

1993. New York State Adirondack Park Agency. Outer boundary of the New York State Adirondack Park. The data set was hand digitized from 1:24000 scale, 7.5 minute series planimetric, mylar orig...

Agricultural Districts, Albany County NY, 2023

2023. Cornell Institute for Resource Information Sciences (Cornell IRIS) and NYS Department of Agriculture and Markets. These GIS files represent geographic boundaries for lands that are under the protection of NYS Agricultural District Law, administered by the New Y...

Agricultural Districts, Allegany County NY, 2023

2023. Cornell Institute for Resource Information Sciences (Cornell IRIS) and NYS Department of Agriculture and Markets. These GIS files represent geographic boundaries for lands that are under the protection of NYS Agricultural District Law, administered by the New Y...

Agricultural Districts, Broome County NY, 2023

2023. Cornell Institute for Resource Information Sciences (Cornell IRIS) and NYS Department of Agriculture and Markets. These GIS files represent geographic boundaries for lands that are under the protection of NYS Agricultural District Law, administered by the New Y...

Agricultural Districts, Cattaraugus County, 2017

2017. Cornell Institute for Resource Information Sciences (Cornell IRIS) and NYS Department of Agriculture and Markets. These GIS files represent geographic boundaries for lands that are under the protection of NYS Agricultural District Law, administered by the New Y...

Agricultural Districts, Cayuga County NY, 2020

2020. Cornell Institute for Resource Information Sciences (Cornell IRIS) and NYS Department of Agriculture and Markets. These GIS files represent geographic boundaries for lands that are under the protection of NYS Agricultural District Law, administered by the New Y...

Agricultural Districts, Chautauqua County NY, 2024

2024. Cornell Institute for Resource Information Sciences (Cornell IRIS) and NYS Department of Agriculture and Markets. These GIS files represent geographic boundaries for lands that are under the protection of NYS Agricultural District Law, administered by the New Y...